Your Medical Plans
No matter which medical plan you select, you will receive the best care and the best value by using a Roper St. Francis Health Alliance network provider.
The Alliance Prime plan features fixed, low co-pays for most routine services, the lowest deductible and competitive teammate contributions. To receive coverage, you must see a provider in the Roper St. Francis Health Alliance network, which offers high-quality, coordinated care.
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The Alliance Flex plan operates much like the Alliance Prime plan with fixed, low co-pays for most routine services, except you have access to providers in both the Roper St. Francis Health Alliance network and the BlueCross BlueShield nationwide network. As a result of the increased choice, deductibles and teammate contributions are higher than the Alliance Prime plan.
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The Alliance Save plan, a qualified, high-deductible health plan (HDHP), gives you the opportunity to save for future healthcare costs in a tax-advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA). This plan features the lowest teammate contributions and offers the greatest choice of networks, with access to the Roper St. Francis Health Alliance network, the BlueCross BlueShield nationwide network as well as an Out-of-Network option. With a high-deductible health plan, you must meet the deductible first for coinsurance to apply to your medical expenses; however, Roper St. Francis Healthcare offsets this up-front cost by making a one-time annual contribution to an HSA.
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The Alliance Out of Area plan is specifically designed for those teammates who live outside of the Tri-County area (Berkeley, Dorchester and Charleston counties). This plan features fixed, low co-pays for most routine services, except you have access to providers in both the Roper St. Francis Health Alliance network and the BlueCross BlueShield nationwide network.
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Roper St. Francis Healthcare Medical Plan Overview
Predictable Costs
More predictable costs for services like lab work and imaging when using Roper St. Francis Healthcare–owned facilities in the Roper St. Francis Health Alliance network.
Free Preventive Mammographies and Colonoscopies
Dedicated Customer Service Center
Lower Co-pays
Lower Deductibles
Generous Health Savings Account (HSA) Funding
Transparency in Coverage
The Transparency in Coverage Final Rules require certain group health plans to disclose on a public website information regarding in-network provider rates and historical out-of-network allowed amounts and billed charges for covered items and services in two separate machine-readable files (MRFs).
The MRFs for the benefit package options under the Group Benefit Plan of Roper St. Francis Healthcare are linked below:
- BCBSSC Solution for accessing our MRFs: Transparency in Coverage | BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina (southcarolinablues.com)